Not a Slam Dunk

Air Ball.png

We needed basketball players to take the court for a financially challenged shoot, also known as NO BUDGET. The producer insisted that there was no budget for a live casting and so as the casting company, we had to cast via file photos. The files are sent with no first-hand knowledge of the potential talent... we’re making decisions based solely on looks and an inherent trust that people are generally honest about their skills. Some people share photos that seem to back up their claims. The day of the shoot, we get the call. “He can’t play basketball.. he can’t jump... he can’t even dribble.” He lied!!!!

Solution? Walk to the court next door to the shoot and grab a guy playing hoops with his friends.

Moral of the story: Never do casting by file pull for a sport-capable actor, no matter how firm the producer is with the request.


What’s the most disastrous thing you’ve witnessed on a production/shoot? Have you ever made a mistake, that was a critical learning moment for your next shoot or production? We want to hear your wildest stories!

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