Your (anonymous) Horrible, Heroic, & Helpful Production Stories!

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We’re kicking off the new year by reflecting on years past. Yes, we work in a fun, dynamic fast-paced industry, but let’s be honest… sometimes things get crazy!

Yep, being in media production can be fun. 
It can also be a total sh*tshow. 

Over the past 15 years, I’ve gathered my share of stories. Ranging from the hilarious, to the “can you believe this actually happened?!”. And I’ve learned a lot along the way. 

What’s the most disastrous thing you’ve witnessed on a production/shoot? Have you ever made a mistake, that was a critical learning moment for your next shoot or production? We want to hear your wildest stories!

You can submit anonymously here.

Nope, you don’t need to be a producer to submit a story. 
Yes, you do need to be in this industry. 
No, you don’t need to be a great writer. 
Yes, you can anonymously share your story. 


  • What’s the most disastrous thing you’ve witnessed on a production/shoot?

  • Ever make a mistake, that was a critical learning moment for your next shoot or production

  • Have a memory that was traumatic at the moment, but now you can laugh about it?

Please share your stories and feel free to SPREAD THE WORD by sharing this fun series with others in the industry!