Avoiding an Air Marshall

We were in danger of compromising the shoot & getting him arrested if things continued... (So) I had the photographer fake-kidnapped & placed into an ambulance. (1).png

I was producing a multi-national campaign with a very young IG famous photographer. Who also had a penchant for smoking weed all day long. This became more difficult for him as we traveled from country to country. He would ask me if I had connections in this department, & I would decline.  At one point, he was sneaking into airplane bathrooms to smoke. We were in danger of compromising the shoot & getting him arrested if things continued. While in a major European city, I was once again asked to “hook him up”. This time I agreed, much to his surprise. At our hotel, I told him to meet someone in the lobby.  

I had the photographer fake-kidnapped & placed into an ambulance. It was actually a weed delivery service. The worker bees showed up in EMT outfits & a gurney, and the ambulance was lined in cannabis options. But the plan to scare him actually back-fired. He thought it was absolutely fantastic. 


What’s the most disastrous thing you’ve witnessed on a production/shoot? Have you ever made a mistake, that was a critical learning moment for your next shoot or production? We want to hear your wildest stories!

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