Jesus Muscles

Jesus Muscle (1).png

I had been collaborating with a female photographer for a while, and she asked me for a favor to cast for a men’s editorial magazine.   The photographer had a very specific look that she was striving for - and I had the uncomfortable task of reaching out to talent agencies asking for men with pronounced “Jesus Muscles”... you know, that V-shaped lower ab muscle.  During the casting day, we had men wearing the lowest-slung jeans & randomly “dropping trou” in front of the camera. It was quite the day. I was in a permanent state of blushing. 

At the end of the casting, I prepared to confer with the photographer on her select list of preferred talent. She smiled slyly and said, no one. I was confused. We had had a great turn out & seen some pretty stellar examples. Then she clarified: “We won’t be casting anyone because there is no project. How many castings have you had to do for beer ads or babes in bikinis?! It was our turn for some eye candy and to flip the script.” 


What’s the most disastrous thing you’ve witnessed on a production/shoot? Have you ever made a mistake, that was a critical learning moment for your next shoot or production? We want to hear your wildest stories!

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